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Project Scholars' Scholarships

Breyonna Bell testimonial.jpg

Apply online at the Community Foundation's Scholarships Page.

Application registration open from

December 1, 2022 to March 1, 2023.


Hear what the scholarship has meant to one of our recipients.

College affordability is one of the most pressing issues of our time, forcing many bright, talented young people into choosing between incurring heavy debts in student loans or denying themselves a chance to pursue their career and fulfill their potential. Pig on the Pond Festival presented by AdventHealth and the City of Clermont has provided more than $400,000 in scholarships to deserving South Lake County students, thanks to a supportive community -- through a fun-packed three day event that has made Clermont a regional, festival destination.



The Project Scholars scholarship program seeks to identify and assist dedicated and deserving students that wish to further their education after high school by seeking a degree at a college, university or technical-training institute. Our scholarship program provides funding at $2,500 for the fall and winter terms during the four years. For most students, this amounts up to $10,000.  Scholarships are administered by the Community Foundation of South Lake, and applications are available December 1 - March 1.


Three of the scholarships are for any college or university. One of the scholarships is earmarked for students who plan to attend Valencia College for an associate's degree or before transferring.


One of our scholarships is designated as the Cheryl Fishel Memorial Scholarship to honor the student who meets our criteria and also demonstrates the most community service.


And because we recognize the challenges of higher education are not limited to finances, each of our students is paired with a mentor who is a carefully selected community member, usually involved in the field of interest that the student aspires to enter.  Our mentors are caring individuals who can help our students through the variety of challenges that they will inevitably face.  The financial support coupled with our mentor program provides a strong combination for increased success at the undergraduate level. Our personal involvement with each student communicates how important they are to our organization and community.


Some of our Scholarship Receipients

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© 2022 by Project Scholars, 501(c)3

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